Naturmed Nlog - Therapeuten Fachbuchblog

ThemenberichtNielsen über Gua Sha

Gua sha has been used for centuries in Asia, in Asian immigrant communities and by acupuncturists and practitioners of traditional East Asian medicine worldwide.

Gua she is easy to learn and absolutely effective. All you need to do is to scab with a spoon or special gua sha scrubbing tool over the damage section of your body. Your scrab several times over it until it gets red and starts slightly to blood under the skin. This tells the body that there is something to regulate. So the body sends an information to heal this individual area. In general the Gua sha method has gained a lot of very positive reaction in the field of patients.

Now Western research has shown Gua sha has a specific effect on the connective tissue and the resolution of sha petechiae is anti inflammatory and immune protective of internal organs for days after treatment. This is how Gua sha can reduce a fever as well as lung or liver inflammation.

The second edition details the science that focuses its relevance to modern clinical conditions as well as traditional indications for Gua sha. There is a full literature review of Gua sha evidence studies from China as well as the West. This book brings the technique alive for practitioners, with clear discussion of how to do it – including correct technique, appropriate application, individualization of treatment – and when to use it, with over 50 case examples, and superb colour photographs and line drawings that demonstrate the technique. The new edition also includes new research on immediate and significant Tongue changes as a direct result of Gua sha.

Dr. Arya Nielsen is considered the Western authority on Gua sha.


Hier geht`s zu den Büchern:

Nielsen, Gua ShaNielsen, Gua Sha




Nielsen,. GUA SHANielsen, GUA SHA


