Mark D. Seem

A New American Acupuncture: Acupuncture Osteopathy

The Myofascial Release of the Bodymind's Holding Patterns

  • ISBN: 9780936185446
  • 1993, 158 pages


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This book represents the fruit of many years of research into the use of acupuncture as a tool for releasing holding patterns in the bodymind as a way to restore functional/structural balance and to relieve chronic pain. Seem shares his clinical experience of how and why this style of acupuncture works and presents specific protocols for use in the clinic. A valuable reference text for anyone whose practice focuses mainly on acupuncture.

About the author:
Mark Seem is former president of the National Council of Acupuncture Schools and Colleges, founder of the Tri-State Institute of Traditional Chinese Acupuncture in Stamford, Connecticut, and a past chairman of the Examination Committee of the National Commission for Certification of Acupuncturists. He lectures frequently at acupuncture schools and conferences throughout the United States and maintain a private practice in New York City. As an American practitioner, I do not feel in any way obligated to accept any other culture’s ideology beliefs about acupuncture and how it should be practiced. I feel that a new American acupuncture is currently in the making, informed by this wonderful multiplicity of approaches from many cultures. I envision this new acupuncture moving beyond old ideologies, basing its worth and its work on what helps patients in distress.
–– Mark Seem

About the book:
Praise for New American Acupuncture
Mr. Seem’s Acupuncture Osteopathy, or a version of it, would be an excellent approach for new students or specialists.
This style of acupuncture could also be a valuable introduction to clinical work, especially when utilizing some of the hands-on body work and point locations he recommends as prerequisites.
— James Ramholz
Mark Seem is one of the few truly creative in the contemporary American acupuncture scene.
A New American Acupuncture is an intelligent integration of Japanese and French acupuncture approaches with the kinesthetic logic of manual osteopathy and trigger point release.
I routinely use this book as course material in the physician programs developed through the Helms Medical Institute, and I welcome this second edition.
— Joseph M. Helms, M.D, Founding President, American Academy of Medical Acupuncture



Mark D. Seem

Mark D. Seem

Mark D. Seem, Ph.D. is past president of the National Council of Acupuncture Schools and Colleges, founder of the Tri-State Institute of Traditional Chinese Acupuncture in Stamford, Connecticut, and chairman of the Examination Committee of the National Commission for Certification of Acupuncturists. He lectures at acupuncture schools and conferences throughout…