Brad Whisnant | Bleecker-D.

Top Tung Acupuncture Points

Clinical Handbook

  • ISBN: 9781940146133
  • 2nd ed. 2021, 157 pages


Lieferzeit: ca. 1 - 3 Tage


Both authors learned Tung acupuncture with Master Wei Chie Young and Dr. T.F. Tan. They issued an excellent resource for TCM practitioners who are practicing Tung acupuncture in their clinical studio. This practical experience describes the essential points of Tung most used for the treatment of most modern western diseases.
The origin of the Tung diagnostic method is in fact the five zang organs, and treating the reaction area is the secret of treating the five Zang organs. In diagnosis, Master Tung himself classified all diseases as either a qi disease, or a blood disease. Thus the zang fu diagnosis and classical indications included in this book are helpful for those new to the Tung-style protocols.
Another important point of this book is an explication of the Dao Ma concept using either two or three points together. Instead of supplementing or draining needle techniques he is concerning himself obtaining qi to influence the Reaction Areas of the points needled. The faster we can bring Qi to the point, the faster we can heal disease. The depth of the needle is marking where the Qi arrives.
The authors are explaining that Tung acupuncture is no trick, but easy, safe, reliable, consistent and effective acupuncture with immediate result. Just insert the needles, breathe and heal!




Brad Whisnant

Brad Whisnant

Brad Whisnant served in the US Marines, graduated from Portland State University. He graduated in 2007 with a Masters degree in Oriental medicine and Acupuncture and holds the highest certifications in Chinese herbal medicine. He has interned internationally and been taught by leading acupuncturists and herbalists specialists. Brad treats most…

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