J. Daniluk

Julie Daniluk RHN, NNCP is a nutritionist and hosts The Healthy Gourmet, a reality cooking show aired in 72 countries that highlights the ongoing battle between taste and nutrition. Her bestselling books, Meals That Heal Inflammation and Slimming Meals That Heal, advise on allergy-free foods that both taste great and assist the body in the healing process.
She developed her own diet and methods to overcome her own digesting problems. This is part of her story:
My health journey began when I was very young, but I became a healer when I battled back from an attack of a digestive infection that nearly killed me in Thailand. The infection ravaged the lining of my gut. I was no longer able to digest starches and developed allergies to dozens of different proteins dairy, wheat, rye, spelt, corn, peanut and potato, to name a few. After years of coping with pain caused by inflammation, I decided to give everything I had to healing. I spent four years rebuilding my gut bacteria and repairing the lining of my digestive system. In the process of healing myself, I recognized that other people who struggle with inflammation and digestive distress desperately needed the information I was learning and the results I was accomplishing. I decided to write my healing journey into my bestselling book, Meals That Heal Inflammation. Now, every day that I choose a healthy option is one in which I can feel greater clarity, fluidity, energy and happiness. Every day that I choose a healthy option is also one in which I can feel the gratitude of wellness.