J. Wong

A Manual NeuroAnatomical Acupuncture Volume 3

East Meets West - A Review of TCM

  • ISBN: 9780968519424
  • 2003, 189 pages


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Volume Three is a review of traditional Chinese medicine with a Western medicine interpretation written by Joseph Wong.
It makes TCM classical methodology easily comprehensive for those with biomedical backgrounds, thus helping to insert TCM into the Western medical practice in a simple, easy, and more effective way. It is an excellent therapeutic guide for acupuncture in both TCM and neuro-anatomical approaches.
These texts are particularly useful selections for practitioners of nerve-based approaches to using the acupuncture points.


J. Wong

J. Wong

Joseph Wong western medicine and acupuncture of more than 40 years experience, certified medical specialist in rehabilitation medicine. Fellow of Royal College of Physicians, Canada. Former specialist consultant in rehabilitation medicine: Toronto General Hospital, Toronto; Wellesley Hospital, Toronto; Lyndhurst Spinal Hospital, Toronto. Former Department Head in Rehabilitation Medicine Department: St.…