Reginaldo Filho

Integrating different Microacupuncture systems (Video)

  • Verlag: AGTCM
  • ISBN: S28001
  • 2023, Video, Workshop, 2 hrs.

41,18 47,90 

Lieferzeit: sofort verfügbar


Video-Vorschau (5-minütiger Auszug)


This video for TCM specialists is about Integrating Different Microacupuncture Systems (ECIWO and others) and how you can combine them by Professor Reginaldo Filho.
Acupuncture is the most famous and practiced clinical branch of Chinese Medicine in western countries and it is related to the use of different instruments and methods, such as needles, moxa, cups, guasha, bleeding, laser and so on, it includes different methods and styles such as Balance Acupuncture. Tung Acupuncture and also the use of different parts of the body representing the full body.
This is an rea of study in Acupuncture, which also can be seen as different styles, as different parts can be used, such as Scalp, Ear, Abdomen, Hand, Foot.
The Acupuncturist shall understand the characteristics of each method in order to extract the best qualities and learn how to combine them in order to fulfill any limitations and improve the overall effect.
This class propose a practical approach in order to combine and integrate different Microacupuncture Systems based on Kan Li Method.
Kan Li Method is an strategy that is centered on the Classical Chinese Medicine information and we apply it to different areas, including in this case the Microsystems of Acupuncture, or as it is also being promoted Holograms of Acupuncture. Observing the body as a large representation of TaiJi, integrating the most basic Yin Yang (Kan Li) picture, we can learn to use the other small parts as small TaiJi.
The combined use of different parts of the body in order to strengthen the power of a localized treatment is the main goal for treating patients.
During the class we will approach important complaints that present daily on clinics, such as pain and emotional problems which are important topics in patients of all ages, with important reflections on the quality of life.
The integration of different Acupuncture microsystems can improve the clinical effects when the practitioners understand which ones are more effective for the problem presented by the patient.


Reginaldo Filho

Reginaldo Filho

– Gründer und Präsident der Brasilianischen Hochschule für chinesische Medizin (Faculdade EBRAMEC); – Promotion über Akupunktur an der Universität für Chinesische Medizin in Shandong; – Mitglied des Exekutivrats der World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies; – Assoziierter Professor der World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies; – Gastprofessor an den Universitäten für…


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