A. Kishi

Akinobu Kishi (1949-2012) war einer der wenigen Schüler, der die Shiatsu Schule bei Namikoshi im Tokio Shiatsu College und zuletzt Masunagas, Iokai Shiatsu Tokio, besucht hat.
Akinobu kishi (1949-2012) was an internationally-renowned teacher and master of Zen Shiatsu. Kishi was introduced to shiatsu as a healing method by his father who was a shiatsu practitioner and an accomplished judo master when he was just 9 years old. Later on, he completed his studies, among others with Namikoshi, and for 10 years he was a close pupil of Masunaga. In addition, Kishi studied other methods of bodywork like chiropractic, osteopathy, seitai, yoga, acupuncture, bio-energetic, the teachings of Reich and shintoism. When he was 30 years old, Kishi fell ill, and one day he stopped practising shiatsu, because he saw no change anymore. He withdrew for a few months, and with a synthesis of his various studies and experiences he developed his own method of bodywork, Seiki Soho. After studying extensively in the fields of Shiatsu, Haruchika Noguchi’s Seitai and bio-energetics until, coming up against the limits of shiatsu, he experienced a profound change in consciousness out of which Seiki Soho emerged. In 1974 Kishi was conferred the title of sensei – teacher.