Ann Cecil-Sterman

Becoming Healthy, Staying Healthy

Heart Advice from an Acupuncturist

  • ISBN: 9781954773059
  • 2024,137 Seiten


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Over decades, I have seen the advice in this book turn people around so profoundly that their lives are forever changed: relationships and careers restored, optimism restored, even fortunes made. Having the knowledge to cultivate one’s own health on a daily basis is the key to a life of greater freedom. Not only does daily care enhance the quality of one’s life in general, it keeps the body prepared to deal with the inevitable challenges we can face any day. The various chapters of life-from infancy through the natural process of aging-need not be fraught with difficulties and diminishing vibrancy. In this book you will find suggestions that help the body relax, heal, and stay tuned. A healthy body yields a vastly freer life: one of increased mobility, less pain, greater clarity of vision, senses and mind, freedom in expression and resolution of emotions, more room for happiness, and more lightness of being. May you find a deeper connection to your innate capacity, and encounter the increased quality of health you are hoping for, or haven’t yet imagined.


Ann Cecil-Sterman

Ann Cecil-Sterman

Ann Cecil-Sterman, MS, L.Ac. is an acupuncturist, teacher, author, artist and musician. She has written two books: Advanced Acupuncture, a Clinical Manual, Tendon Protocols, Luo, Divergent and Eight Exceptional Channels, and The Art of Pulse Diagnosis, and has lectured on the application and methodology of complement channels, the art of…