Nigel Dawes

Nigel Dawes lived in Tokyo and in Kamakura. During that time he attended Acupuncture School where he also began his Kampo studies. In parallel to this formal education he also pursued an apprenticeship-style training with his main Zen Shiatsu teacher, Suzuki Takeo, originally at the IOKAI center and later privately. During the latter part of his time in Japan Nigel studied and assisted at a busy downtown acupuncture clinic in Tokyo as well as maintaining a Zen Practice at San Un Zendo in Kamakura.

Nigel founded and directed the London College of Shiatsu in 1987 and until 1992 acted as the principal faculty offering a three-year accredited Zen Shiatsu training.

Since 1993, Nigel lives to the US. He settled in New York where for 8 years he was Dean Of the Oriental Medicine Department at the New York College for Wholistic Medicine.

He has also continued to publish in peer reviewed journals on  Kampo: A Clinical Guide to Theory and Practice; Churchill Livingstone, 2010.

In 2010 he formed the NYC Kampo Institute, dedicated to the dissemination of Japanese practices in East Asian Medicine and he currently offers various courses and trainings through his institute both nationally and internationally. He lives in Brooklyn.

Artikel von Nigel Dawes
Fukushin and Kampo
  • Therapeuten
  • Profi