Giuseppe Fatiga

Giuseppe Fatiga graduated with honours from the University of Turin, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery in 2000, where he started and continued to practice acupuncture and auriculotherapy. He obtained his diploma in general medicine in 2003, qualified as an ultrasound technician at the SIUMB school in 2011 and obtained his diploma in acupuncture at the CSTNF school in Turin in 2016. In the same year he discovered two new auricular points that are effective for chronic low back pain, the „LBP points“. He also works as an ultrasonographer and general practitioner in Turin. He has written „Curare l’ansia con l’agopuntura“ and „L’agopuntura e l’auricoloterapia nelle patologie dei tendini“, both published in Italian by NOI Edizioni in 2017 and 2020 respectively.

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