John Diamond

My Painting Guidance:

Su Shih, Wang Wei and the Nanga

  • Verlag: Vital Health Publishing
  • ISBN: 9781890995614
  • o.J., 29 pages


Lieferzeit: ca. 5 - 10 Tage/days


Ein Titel aus der Diamond Path of Life Series.

Renowned healer Dr. John Diamond explores the influence of some of the spirit guides who have inspired his painting: Su Shih, a Chinese literatus of the Sung Dynasty, the great poet-painter Wang Wei, and the approach of the Japanese nanga school. A jewel among his writings, My Painting Guidance is not only compelling in its own right, but also offers a profoundly original statement about the very nature of the creative process.

I have for quite some time felt very strongly that my painting is guided. It always seemed not that I was doing it, but that it was being done through me.
-John Diamond, M.D.


John Diamond

John Diamond

John Diamond, M.D. ist eine wichtige Figur in der ganzheitlichen Medizin. Er war Präsident der International Academy of Preventive Medicine, er ist ein Bestseller-Autor von mehr als 35 Büchern. Diamond, Arzt und Psychiater, beschäftigt sich seit vier Jahrzehnten mit Forschung und Praxis im Bereich der Komplementärmedizin und des ganzheitlichen Heilens.…