Hazzard-C. | Howle-J. | Stamer-M. | Bierman-J. | Franjoine-M.

Neuro-Developmental Treatment

A Guide to NDT Clinical Practice

  • ISBN: 9783132019119
  • 2016, 576 Pages, 339 Abb.


Delivery time: ca. 1 - 3 days

SKU: 13201911 Categories: ,


This comprehensive volume provides vital support for both novice and experienced practitioners of Neuro-Developmental Treatment (NDT) by integrating the latest theoretical foundations of NDT with real-life practice examples. The book is the culmination of a 5-year project by instructors of the Neuro-Developmental Treatment Association to develop an up-to-date guide to the neurorehabilitation approach originally developed by Karl and Berta Bobath.
