Occupational therapy

Occupational Therapy Books

Occupational Therapy Books

Reference books for occupational therapists

Ergotherapy or occupational books describe many interesting occupational therapies for therapists. These include ergotherapy in the field of pediatrics and neurology, reflex respiratory therapy, occupational therapy in orthopedics, rheumatology and traumatology.

Basic books on occupational therapy

We also offer books that contain the current examination knowledge for occupational therapists. We would like to introduce the following new edition of occupational therapy in the field of pediatrics. The authors have compiled the most important foundations for occupational therapy in pediatrics for you in this book. This is about the basic understanding of normal childhood development, from prenatal to adolescence. The book names the basics of developmental psychology, pedagogy, neurobiology, neurophysiology, neuropsychology and medicine. It provides an overview of current thinking and procedures such as ICF, clinical reasoning, client-centered work and therapy as a problem-solving process. The main therapeutic concepts such as, Bobath concept, sensory integration therapy, St. Gallen model, basal stimulation, Frostig concept, Castillo Morales and psychomotor are explained.

Books on ADHD, developmental disorders, etc.

With this book, you will learn what the practical treatment for developmental disorders, perceptual disorders, disabilities, multiple disabilities, graphomotor disorders, sensory disabilities, autism, ADHD, learning and intellectual disability looks like.

Other important topics in this book are parenting, working in a team, different fields of application in pediatrics. Occupational therapy from treatment to action provides you with all the basic knowledge about occupational therapy. It shows the definition and the job profile. The historical development, as well as occupational and health aspects. It identifies the basic sciences, frames of reference for therapy and names theories, concepts and models. Scientific work, evidence-based practice and clinical reasoning are also covered. It provides treatment processes and work areas. Shows practical and theoretical foundations for finding findings and treatment concepts in the field of motor-functional, neurophysio-, neuropsychological-, psychosocial-, work-therapeutic- and adaptive treatment methods. This clearly structured textbook provides orientation in education, insight into the current state of professional development in theory and practice and informs adjacent occupational groups about the occupational profile and task area of occupational therapy. More exciting books can be found on our homepage under manual therapy.