Osteopathy in practice

Books for the osteopathic practice

You have completed your osteopathic education and are looking for books for osteopathy in practice? Here you will find books and videos for advanced osteopaths. In this section osteopathy in practice you will find a lot of new releases as this field is currently heavy in motion.

Osteopathy Foundation Books for Education and Practice

Some books are bought once and can be used again after training. These books are for example by Johannes Mayer and Clive Standen, textbook osteopathic medicine or Langer, textbook Osteopathy. The Guide to Osteopathy by Torsten Liem is also included. Because again and again you have to look something up even as an experienced therapist (and like to remember back to the training period).

Osteopathy books for professionals

These special titles are either more technically detailed, such as the Barral’s book on osteopathy for the prostate, or broader in content, such as integrative osteopathy in back pain or the book on traumatology. For you, our topics in our therapist blog with reports especially for osteopaths should be interesting. On the subject of trauma treatment you will also find titles in the field of natural medicine. Books on meridians can be found in the section on Chinese medicine.