Fernanda Mara dos Santos

Emotional Issues: Treatment with Different Auriculotherapy (Video)

Resources and Associations

  • Verlag: AGTCM
  • 2022, video, ca. 5 Std/hours

41,18 47,90 

Lieferzeit: ca. 1 - 3 Tage


Video-Vorschau (5-minütiger Auszug)


How to treat emotional Issues with different auriculotherapy resources

As the number of people who are suffering emotional problems is increasing over the years we need to create ways to help all types of patients who suffer from these pathologies.
In this seminar, the main emotional pathologies in the view of Chinese Medicine will be presented and how to treat them with Auriculotherapy. Using from lighter stimuli, such as seeds, to moxibustion and intradermal needles for faster results. Suggestions on how to combine this therapy with acupuncture points and Chinese diet food therapy will also be presented.

Program Content:

  • What is Auriculotherapy
  • Main emotional issues in the view of Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • Auriculotherapy treatments for major emotional problems (anxiety, excessive worry, sadness, phobia, anger, depression)
  • Auriculotherapy resources: seeds, intradermal needle, moxibustion, acupuncture needles and their differences in results.
  • Therapy associations: how to choose the best combinations of acupuncture points and Chinese Food Therapy for each emotional problem.


Fernanda Mara dos Santos

Fernanda Mara dos Santos

Fernanda Mara dos Santos ist seit 2002 Physiotherapeutin mit Spezialisierung auf Akupunktur, Bewegungsphysiologie und globale Haltungsumschulung. Professorin für traditionelle chinesische Medizin an mehreren Schulen in Brasilien und Koordinatorin des Postgraduierten-Kurses für Akupunktur am Instituto Educacional Veronesi (IEDUV). Sie ist außerdem als nationale und internationaler Referentin aktiv. Autorin von 3 Büchern…


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