Matt Callison

Nerve Entrapment Syndromes: Neck and Arm Pain (video)

(Jingbu Shoubi Tong)

  • 2016, video, over 5 hours

49,00 57,00 

Delivery time: ca. 1 - 3 days


Video preview (5 minute extract)


This seminar focuses on the differentiation of radicular and non-radicular pain patterns.
Concerning paresthesia in the shoulder and upper extremity it can be difficult to diagnose its source in which a treatment protocol can be developed. This presentation aims to help the participant to assess and treat radicular pain coming from the cervical spine to non-radicular pain patterns – from soft tissue nerve entrapments such as with thoracic outlet syndrome, pronator teres syndrome and many more.

Matt Callison discusses the biomedical cause of the referred pain with an integrated TCM approach to the assessment and treatment of these injuries. Exercise prescription is provided for common postural imbalances that can lead to neck and arm pain patterns. An extraordinary vessel (ba gang) treatment using Pyonex interdermal needles is discussed and demonstrated for enhanced exercise performance.

Dauer Teil 1 part 1: 1:20:27
Dauer Teil 2 part 2: 1:38:13
Dauer Teil 3 part 3: 1:15:15
Dauer Teil 4 part 4: 1:23:30

Deutscher Titel: Nervenkompressionssyndrome: Nacken- und Armschmerzen

Matt Callison’s unique ability to combine Chinese Medicine with Sports Medicine. He is well-known for working with professional athletes (NFL players).


Matt Callison

Matt Callison

Matt Callison has a unique ability to combine Chinese medicine with sports medicine is reflected in his excellent reputation in this field. This is especially evident in his international certification program, Sports Medical Acupuncture. He also published several articles in the Journal of Chinese Medicine on acupuncture and tibia stress…