
Acupuncture in the Treatment of Children

Third edition

  • ISBN: 9780939616305
  • 3rd ed. 1999, 628 pages


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Pediatrics has long been recognized as an important branch of traditional Chinese medicine, and there are many specialized texts in Chinese devoted to this topic. In its first two editions (1986, 1991), Acupuncture in the Treatment of Children became the leading English-language textbook in this field. In this broadly expanded third edition, the authors explore a number of new topics and revisit many of the old ones with fresh perspective. In addition to the thirty subjects covered in earlier editions are sixteen new chapters which examine a wide variety of topics, from basic childhood patterns, puberty and the stages of development, immunizations, and learning difficulties to hayfever, hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder, autism, Down’s syndrome, cerebral palsy and infantile paralysis. There is a new outline of patterns commonly seen in children, and an extensive survey of pediatric symptoms and disorders that are treatable with acupuncture.


